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Wags University doggies image by gotdaflow


A proper training program utilizes proven tools and verbal cues to ensure a successful outcome for you and your pet. These include the use of Crate, Heel and Climb plus verbal commands. Once your dog can manage those tasks we can further customize our curriculum to meet your dog's unique behavioral needs. Consistency is key - if you stop training your dog you will stop seeing results.


For some owners, using a crate is a fairly new concept. Personally, I didn't understand the benefits until my trainer taught me - I had never used a crate as a training tool for my own dogs and it felt unnatural. My dogs however, love their crates for an afternoon nap or when they go down at night. It's a place where they have their own space, their special toys and blankets - it is truly a home for them. Other benefits include knowing that your pet is safe when you aren't supervising them and ensuring your dog isn't chewing or destroying items in your home.



It is critical to teach your dog to heel as you walk them. It will strengthen their need to focus on the task and will make your walks more enjoyable. It will also ensure that YOU are the leader in your pack.


A climb is an elevated dog bed where your dog will learn to stay and relax. It is so important for your dog to have a special place that you can send him or her. If you were to have company over or perhaps toddlers nearby, you would tell your dog to "climb" and there your pet will remain until you release them. 




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